Certifications and Qualifications

Government/Military Marine Certifications and Capabilities
- NAVSEA / MARMC Compliant ISO 9001 (QMS)
- Certified NAVSEA Dock Masters
- NAVSEA – Master Ship Repair (MSRA) Holder
- NAVSEA – Authorized Boat Repair (ABR) Holder
- NAVSEA Certified Major Shaft Repair Facility
- Steel Classes 1-4
- Cladding, liners in a variety of corrosion-resistant materials
- NAVSEA/NSSA surveyed compliance with
- MIL-STD-278 Machinery Fabrication and Repair
- MIL-STD-1689 Surface Ship Structure Fabrication and Repair
- NAVSEA GSO Standard Items
Commercial/USNS/USCG Marine Certifications and Capabilities
- DNV Compliant ISO 9001 (QMS)
- America Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Certified Major Shaft Repair Facility
- Grades A and B; specialty Aquamet/Aqualloy materials
- Cladding, liners in a variety of corrosion-resistant materials
- ABS ESP Hull Survey
- ABS Surveyed Construction and Repair of:
- Vessels, barges and superstructure
- Mobile Offshore Unit Structures and Machinery
- Lloyd’s Registrar – Approved Service Provider for Hull & Structures
Commercial/Industrial Certifications and Capabilities
- AISC/AWS Compliant ISO 9001 (QMS)
- American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1 Group 1 & 2 Steel Structures, unlimited thickness
- AWS D1.2 Aluminum Structures, all major alloys
- AWS D1.4 Reinforced Concrete Forms/Structures
- AWS D1.5 Steel Bridge Structures (with special weld toughness and weld dressing for fatigue resistance)
- AWS D1.6 Stainless Steel Structures, all major alloys including duplex stainless steels (DSS)
- AWS D14.1 Cranes
- AWS D14.6 Rotating Machinery
- AISC Certified Fabricator
- AWS Certified Fabricator
- AISC Hydraulic Structures
Fabrication & Repair Personnel and Process Certifications
- NAVSEA/ABS surveyed Welder Training & Evaluation Center (WeldTEC)
- NAVSEA Certified Weld Procedures and Welders to Mil-Std-248
- S-11A-D to S-1 Steels
- Aluminum hull, machinery, and superstructure
- Corrosion-resistant steels (CRES 300 & 400 series), copper-based alloys, nickel-based alloys and bronzes
- NAVSEA-approved Process Control Procedures to MIL-STD-2191 (Shafts)
- ABS-approved Weld Procedures and Welders
- ABS-certified Shaft Weld Repair Procedures
- ASME/AWS Certified Welders and Weld Procedures
- AWS Pre-qualified and Specialty Metal/Joint/Toughness Weld Procedures
- On-Site AWS Certified Welding Inspectors, Certified Welding Supervisors, and Certified Welding Educators
- NAVSEA-approved Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Procedures to MIL-STD-271
- ABS-approved NDE Procedures for vessels, machinery, and shafts
- AWS/ASME/AISC-compliant NDE Procedures for structures, piping/ducting, bridges, cranes and machinery
- ASME Certified Welders
- AWS Certified Welders
- On-Site Certified ASNT Level II NDT Inspectors in VT, MT, PT, and UT (shear wave)